Fetter Online Auction

1975 Allis Chamers 200; 10' Adjustable Wheel Disk, John Deere 2155 with 175 Loader, 5 ft. Blade, 5ft. Bush Hog, John Deere 2 Row 7100, 624 Lots, 8' Cultipacker, King Kutter 400 3 pt. PIO Spreader, Antiques, Collectables, Sports Collectables and much more
Pick Up Address:
14167 Hwy TT
Marthasville (Dutzow), Mo. 63357
Can't make pickup please don't bid as we have very limited storage.
Click Here for a map to the auction location.
14167 Hwy TT , Marthasville (Dutzow), Missouri 63357
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